Naturally made from the natural milk of the native cow, in our tradition, the Indian cow ghee has very respective place in ayuveda. In the Ayurveda, cows ghee have a unique importance. But the ghee you are currently getting in the market is made on a machine. Ghee is prepared by processing milk or other method on the cream separator machine. In our Gaushala, we sheltered "gir" breed cows.
These Indian cows are renowned for their nutrition and ability. The Indian cow's milk is comes under A2 form. Generally until 1993, the world didn't know the difference between an Indian cow and a European cow. In 1993, New Zealand scientist Bob Elliott proved the superiority of Indian cow's milk on a science test. At this time (1993), the world realized the importance of A1, poisonous milk or A2, the importance of nectar milk is realized. Today also, the importance of Indian cow milk is not sufficiently understood. Ghee made from Indian cow's milk does not invite cholesterol. Cows are essential for many Ayurveda medicines.
Butter is extracted by rubbing wooden poles in clay pots and clay. The butter is washed 10 to 15 times and the granulated ghee is made from it. In the preparation of ghee, strict attention is paid to hygiene rules, quality control. We made curd from the whole milk. The whole ghee is because of the name. This ghee is good for health. The immunity of the body increases with the consumption of ghee of Indian cows. you can order ghee for your special occasion and your medician.